
Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

Ten Weirdest Disease Ever

In this world there are thousands of different kinds of physical and psychological illnesses. There are attacking the organs in the body there is also attacking the outside of the body. However, not all diseases can be considered normal, such as "ten weirdest disease ever" as follows:

1. Progeria
Progeria is caused by a small error in the genetic code of the child. The average child born with this disease will die at the age of 13, due to faster aging. Fortunately, this disease is very rare, only about 48 people are affected by this disease worldwide.

2. Elephant legs (elephantiasis)
This disease can be instantly recognizable from the shape of the foot or the arm of the patient are enlarged. The disease is caused by parasitic worms yaituWuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi and B. Timori, all transmitted by mosquitoes. This disease has infected more than 120 million people worldwide. Often the effects of this disease emerged after a year of infection.

3. Pica
People who in the diagnosis of this disease have a need to eat non-food substances, such as dirt, glue and clay. Until now, health experts have not found the exact cause and cure this disorder.

4. Vampire Disease (fear of the sun)
This disease is a rare disease in which sufferers skin will blister when exposed to sunlight, even though there are new blisters exposed to direct sunlight. They are not vampires, they just have a disease whose symptoms are similar to those blood-sucking creatures.

5. Blaschko's Lines
Blue Skin Disorder
This one is super rare disease, the disease was first introduced in 1901 by German dermatologist Alfred Blaschko's. The effect of this disease is the emergence of a V shape in the spine or S on the chest and abdomen.

6. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome
AIWS or micropsia is a condition in which the brain processes information incorrectly and result in little real objects look big and vice versa at the same time. The disease is not a malfunction of the patient's eye.

7. Walking Corpse Syndrome
It is a syndrome in which the sufferer feels a loss of some or all of his body weight. The patient often feels dead and a walking corpse. These events can occur in people who are sleep deprived or suffer from a mental disorder caused by consuming cocaine.

8. Jumping Frenchman Disorder
Its main characteristic is the patient really surprised by the sound or vision at the expected. The ordinary man, customarily have a reaction when there is something to look behind us, but this disease will issue a strange reflex like screaming, hitting his body or speak a word over and over again.

9. Werewolf Syndrome
The disease is so called because sufferers will in tumbuhi hair like werewolves (without teeth and sharp claws). Usually yag child suffering from this disease began in tumbuhi hair at the age of 2 years.

10. Blue Skin Disorder
A large family known as the "blue people" lived in the hills sekitarnTroublesome Creek in Kentucky until the 1960s. They are Blue Fugates, they do not have a specific disease, only the skin is blue. The disease is passed on from generation to generation.

Minggu, 19 Agustus 2012

How to Caring Our Eyes

Eyes are one of the Sense of Sight is more valuable than any jewelry, so for that you should always be to maintain and caring for your eyes to avoid the disease that can damage the eyes.

Below are some tips for caring our eyes:

1. cold compress
If your eyes feel itchy and red, try this simple recipe: dip a small towel in cold water and towel compresses to the eye warm. Repeat until the itch subsides.

2. Rinse with cold water
Wash eyes with cold water several times a day. This therapy will reduce inflammation, moisturize your eyes, relax your eyes and overcome the tired eyes.

3. Cucumber slices and cold milk
One of the easiest ways to restore the freshness of the eye is to create a mask of cucumber or potato. Cut a round and put it in the eyes of about 15 minutes. Another way, dip the cotton into the cold milk and then compress the eye.

4. Spoon cold for puffy eyes
Keep a spoon into the freezer for a few minutes ago when I was cold, pat the swelling around the eye area.

5. Strowberi for tired eyes
Take some strowberi and store in the refrigerator for a few minutes and then put it on the eyelid. Powerful enough for tired eyes.

6. Tea bag
Boil water in a small container and put two tea bags. After boiling for about 5 minutes, let cool. After that place the tea bag on the eyelids for several minutes until your eyes feel relaxed. This method is also effective to reduce dark circles, puffiness, and reduce eye fatigue.

How to Make Nastar Cake

Pastries are serving mandatory time of Eid and Christmas Day. One type of cookie is a much-loved Nastar. Dry cake with pineapple jam filling it does have distinctive taste that melts as it passes through our mouth and the flavors blend of tamarind, the aroma of cinnamon and clove aroma that makes these cookies as much sought after Eid.

Here's how to make a delicious cake Nastar:

Pastry Making Materials Nastar:
• 400 gr unsalted butter / margarine (you can also mix 70% 30% margarine and butter)
• 5 egg yolks
• 100 gr powdered sugar
• 2 tablespoons powdered milk
• 500 gr low-protein wheat
• 2 tablespoons cornstarch
• 2 egg yolks btr to spread

Pineapple jam Ingredients:
• 1 small pineapple, peeled, cleaned and grated
• 150gr sugar
• 10 cm cinnamon
• 5 pieces of clove flower

How to Make Cake Nastar:

# Butter Pineapple:
1. Enter the grated pineapple to the pan with all ingredients jam. Cook over low heat
2. Stir with a wooden spatula until no water
3. Remove and let cool
4. Once cool, take a little dough and round about the size of marbles.

# Nastar:
1. Beat sugar and margarine with a low speed until blended
2. Enter the egg yolks, flour, and cornstarch. Whisk again until blended.
3. Immediately turn off the mixer when the dough begins to grain.
4. Allow the dough briefly.
5. Preheat the oven at a temperature of 180 degrees centigrade
6. Start by printing Nastar Nastar take a little dough, flatten, put pineapple jam, pineapple jam then close to invisible.
7. Place on a baking sheet with a distance of approximately 1 cm per Nastar.
8. Bake for 20 minutes, remove from the oven
9. Rub with a smear of material, then bake again for 10 minutes.
10. Remove from oven and let cool.

Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

How to Treat Facial Based on Skin Type

How to treat facial based on skin type, here's his review:
The key in treating the face is to know your skin type. By recognizing the facial skin, you can determine what steps should be taken to make the face look more beautiful. So what are the different types of skin? Types of facial skin itself is divided into four kinds, namely normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and sensitive skin.

Normal Skin Type

  • If you have normal skin type, then you're pretty lucky because you will not be too difficult to perform facial treatments. Compared with other types of skin, normal skin has a slight problem. Here are tips on caring for the face with normal skin types that can be applied at home.
  • Will fit most normal skin with beauty products or cosmetics of any kind. Even so, avoid changing the cosmetics because it could make the facial skin becomes irritated.
  • Use a face mask. You can buy masks that have been circulating on the market or make a natural mask. For example, a mask of fruits such as avocado, cucumber, and tomato, or a mask of honey.
  • Making masks even this fairly easy, just mash the fruit, add a little olive oil and apply on face. Let stand for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  • Although normal skin rarely have problems, do not be lazy to wash your face. Wash your face should be performed before and after waking up and also after the move.
Oily Skin Types
Oily skin is skin that often lead to complaints of women in most women. Even not a few who think that caring for oily face pretty hard to do. Characteristics of oily skin is the emergence of excess oil so your face looks shiny. Oily skin is generally accompanied by the appearance of acne, of course, interfere with performance.
Before knowing how to care for oily face, you also should know that this type of skin itself was still divided into two types, namely the total oily skin and combination. Oily total means that every part of the face will surely remove excess oil, while the oily type combination will only remove excess oil on some parts. For example, T areas of the face (around the nose and forehead).
However, oily skin face care with almost the same.

Here are some tips.

  • Choose beauty products or cosmetics that are oil free and water-based so as not to increase the oil content in the skin of your face.
  • Use a face mask. However, it is advisable to wear masks from natural ingredients (fruit, honey, or green tea) rather than factory-made masks containing chemicals on the market.
  • Wash your face is mandatory, especially for this skin type so that excess oil can be wiped off the face. Not only that, washing your face is also advisable to clean the rest of the make-up or dirt that clog pores. When the clogged pores, excessive oil content in the skin will not get out. This is often the cause of acne in people who have kind of oily biscuits.
  • In addition to the care of the outside face of the body treatments are also very important. Avoid eating greasy foods like fried foods, because these foods can increase the levels feared more oil on the face.
Dry Skin Types

One type of skin is not too difficult to overcome, but should still be careful in its treatment. Dry skin is caused by lack of moisture the face, so the key in treating dry skin face is to keep the skin moist. Here's how to treat them:

  • Clean your face with fresh water to clean the rest of cosmetics as well as dust and dirt. But when it comes time drying, do not rub the face with a towel made ​​especially with a rough towel. Choose towels made ​​from soft, then tap-clap alone to face and leave the skin is not too dry and slightly damp.
  • Facial moisturizer is mandatory in the treatment of dry skin face. Use the right facial moisturizer 2-3 times a day. Apply a moisturizer at least 3-4 minutes after the finish face cleaned with water.
  • Choose a facial cleanser that contains no soap / detergent, because detergent ingredients can make the facial skin becomes increasingly dry and can cause irritation.
  • In addition to detergent, avoid using cleansers that contain ingredients scrub. Although its size is very small, scrub can also cause irritation of dry skin.
  • If you want to use a face mask, select the mask that can keep the skin moist. Masks that contain vitamin E or olive oil is highly recommended for dry skin face care to keep it moist.
  • Maintain skin moisture should also be done from within, that is by drinking lots of water at least 7 glasses of water every day.
Sensitive Skin Types
Sensitive skin is skin that is most difficult to overcome, but that does not mean there is no solution for treating facial skin type. This skin type is sensitive to both the beauty products and treatments that are commonly performed in facial treatments, such as washing the face.
Small errors that may not have much impact on other skin types, can be even fatal consequences for sensitive skin, because it must be careful in treating the face with this skin type.
The most common complaint for this skin type is inflammation or irritation of the facial skin becomes reddish. How do I care? The following tips.

  • The first thing to remember is not to love mutually beauty products, whether it's a moisturizer, powder, or a facial cleanser. Sensitive skin will be very easily damaged than other types of skin if you like trying new cosmetics.
  • Avoid products that contain fragrances beauty face.
  • Do not overuse make-up. Existing chemicals in cosmetics is not too good for even sensitive skin cosmetics were suitable for your skin.
  • Be sure to always wash after using the make-up.
  • Caring for sensitive skin face more encouraged by natural means, such as the use of masks of fruit (cucumber, avocado, apples, tomatoes, or carrots). Natural materials such as these reduce the risk of skin irritation.
  • When you want to wash your face, it is recommended to use fresh water instead of warm water to avoid irritation.
  • Avoid direct contact between the face and sunshine. But if you want to move out of the house, you should use a cap so that the face is not exposed to UV rays.

How To Make a Rainbow Cake

Rainbow Cake Recipe and How to Make the Original Rainbow Cake - This is a special recipe and how to make a rainbow cake.

Surely you are very familiar with the name RAINBOW CAKE, a cake with hues like a rainbow.

As with cookies, rainbow cake quite popular with many people. that's why so many are looking for rainbow cake recipe original. But do you know if it was a cake rainbow cake has a variety of versions, including Rainbow Cake is made Kaitlin Flannery, rainbow cake Lita and the no less famous adalahresep ala martha stewart rainbow cake.

Furthermore .., here is the recipe and how to create original rainbow cake ala Martha Stewart:

Material Rainbow Cake

375 grams of wheat flour
5 eggs, whites only take
4 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp salt
250 grams of butter without salt
450 grams of granulated sugar
2 tsp vanilla powder
350 ml of liquid milk
Butter for greasing pan
Red dye, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple to taste
Lemon buttercream for Rainbow Cake.

How To Make a Rainbow Cake

1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees celsius.
2.Prepare 23 cm diameter pan, rub with butter. You can use the 6 pan one by one directly or use it to bake    6 layers of different colors.
3. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and set aside.
4.Mixer butter and sugar, add eggs and beat buds until well blended and fluffy.
5.Adding the vanilla powder, and then enter the flour until well blended. Finally add the milk.
6.Dividing the dough into six sections, give each a red dye, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple taste.
7.Add batter into the pan, bake for 15 minutes,
8.After that, remove cake and cool on cake rack for 10 minutes. If the top of the cake roll, cake slices with serrated knife flat surface.
9.Give a pedestal cake on a table or a special turntable cake would you use to accumulate Rainbow Cake.
10.Starting from purple cake, put it at the bottom, put a layer of buttercream with the help of a spatula, then stacked with blue cake. 13.Lakukan so by order of purple - blue - green - yellow - orange - red.
11.cover up all parts of the Rainbow Cake with remaining buttercream. Wait until the buttercream to harden, about 30 minutes.
12. The original Rainbow cake is beautiful and enticing flavors ready to be served and eaten together.

If you feel the outside of the Original Rainbow Cake you made less happy, you can add a sparkle of colorful, colorful chocolate candy or meises different colors according to your taste.

Jumat, 17 Agustus 2012

How To Make Potato Donuts

 Who do not know a donut? Donut is in great demand by almost everyone. This time I will share the recipe makes a delicious potato donuts.

500 grams of high protein flour
50 grams of milk powder
11 gr instant yeast
grams potatoes, steamed, mashed and cooled
100 grams sugar
75 grams butter
½ tsp salt
4 egg yolks
100 ml cold water

How to make:

    1. In a container, mix flour, sugar, milk powder, instant yeast, mix, insert the soft potatoes, pour the egg    and cold water, knead until smooth and semi smooth.
    2. Give butter and salt, continue to knead until smooth elastic. Rest 15 minutes.
    3. For the dough, 50 ounces each, round it off. Let stand 20 minutes, until fluffy.
    4. Punch a hole through its center, into a donut shape, quickly fried until golden brown.
    5. Remove and drain. Sprinkle sugar donuts, or decorate with chocolate

How To Make Tomato Scrub

Scrubs is a method for treating beauty of our bodies. With the scrubs, the dead skin cells will be lifted, so the skin will look smoother and healthier. There are so many herbal products on the market. But it would be better if we use a body scrub made ​​from natural ingredients. And does not hurt, make your own concoction at home :)

This time I wanted to share with you about a body care recipes to make your skin bright and very soft with a natural scrub.

    1. Heat one glass of pure fresh milk. Stir until boiling wait
    2. After that set aside some time till cold, then will form a thick layer at the top of the milk
    3. Mash 1 small fresh tomato, strain to get water only.
    4. Heat over low heat to evaporate slowly, take care not to boil.
    5. Stir and wait until the water about half way down, then let stand until cool
    6. Mix water with a layer of thick tomato tsb milk was evenly.
    7. Add flour and corn flour taste to taste, make the dough resembles
    8. Scrubs ready for use.

Fusion protein of milk and sour tomato fruit was able to function as a natural bleaching that will peel kult cells die, thus making the skin brighter and smoother.

This dough can be used as a natural face mask, to scrape the spots of acne scars.

Keep this dough in the refrigerator / freezer, but do not keep it too long for days because the dough does not last long.

How to Maintain Nails

1.For a woman in general, the use of nail color is one part of the fashion or charm that will lift your confidence. But using a continuous nail color is not good because it can make your nails look yellow and brittle. For that, get used to not use nail color nail one day a week so you can rest.

2. In order for the nail to be strong and not easily broken, star fruit and vegetables use a rub on the nail bed. Can also be soaked in balsamic vinegar and olive oil that has been warmed.

3. Used to doing household chores can make your nails and hands are rough. To soften hands, soak your hands in the orange juice mixed with honey for 10 minutes.

4. To remove stains on your nails, soak hands in warm water that has been given lemon juice for 15-20 minutes. Because orange juice contains astringent that can eliminate the dull color of the nails.

5. Fingernail growth of about 0.5 to 1.5 mm per week that is four times faster than toenails growing. For that, try to keep our nails short to eliminate the entry of the germs or seeds of disease through the nail excessive.

6. To prevent your nails from drying and particularly special for sisters or women in general, give a special cream for nails and do not use nail color eraser that contain chemicals.

7. Not just treatment from the outside, to keep them healthy nails can also be done by drinking milk regularly and if possible can every day. Because of high calcium milk that is useful to keep your nails to stay strong.