
Minggu, 10 Februari 2013

How to replace Diapers

Baby's skin is usually very sensitive, so care must be given careful and precise to avoid allergies and irritation. We must always be aware of the things babies need to keep their skin soft, smooth and healthy. Proper use of diapers is one of the most caring people for babies should be remembered. Here are some tips on how to change diapers.

  •     Be sure to have a good kind of diapers. Go for a brand that is tried and tested. Go for a brand that  offers hypoallergenic and breathable cushioning to ensure the comfort of your baby comfortable. Once you have found a suitable brand for your baby, stick to it.
  •     Lay your baby gently on a soft surface and stable. Make sure that the surface is clean, to prevent the baby from catching allergens or infection. Make sure that you have all the ingredients you need within reach, such as talc, corn starch or powdered diapers, baby wipes and clean towels.
  •     Remove the soiled diaper. Remove the stick-on diaper flaps. Raise your child by holding down both legs to the ankle. Pull away from the child's diaper. If there is a lot of dirt, gently sweep it towards the bottom of the diaper using the top of the diaper. You can use diapers as a base while you clean the bottom of your baby.
  •     Apply anti-rash ointment or cream. Do this once properly positioned diaper under your baby to prevent getting the ointment on a table, bed or whatever surface you use the baby refuses the case.
  •     Wearing a clean diaper. Slide under the baby's bottom. Make sure that the diapers properly and safely position your baby's waist. Follow the sign color has the most diapers today to determine the front of the diaper back side.
  •     Close the new diapers. Pull the front of your baby's diaper on her stomach. Open the lid and pull the fitting to speed on your baby's waist. For babies less than one to two months, make sure you fold the diaper to expose the umbilical cord stump, to prevent any complications if you do not use diapers for newborns.
  •     Properly dispose of dirty diapers. Always wrap the tab all the way around to prevent diapers from opening. You can also put a diaper in a plastic bag before throwing.

Follow your doctor's instructions on proper care. Never make a diaper too tight as this can irritate baby's skin. In addition, the diaper is too tight pressure on the child's abdomen, causing him to spit up, especially after eating. If the rash and red spots appear on the skin of your baby, talk to your pediatrician.

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